Hello Blossom, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
"There is the universe only. Nothing is controlling the universe, so the universe didn't give us the bible."
Our universe is finite, my friend.
Our universe began a finite amount of time ago. Our universe is a finite number of lightyears wide. Our universe has a finite amount of matter, energy, and space within it.
Entropy is increasing within our universe, my friend. Our universe is finite.
And finite things don't just pop unto existence.
Finite things have beginnings, as our universe does. Something must exist before the finite thing begins, such that it can cause the finite thing to begin.
That pre-existing thing must be infinite -- eternal, ever-lasting, never ending and never beginning. Logically, there must be something infinite/eternal, or else nothing could pre-exist our finite universe, such that it could cause our finite universe to begin.
God is real, my friend. The eternal, infinite Creator is logically necessary, given the reality of our finite universe.
And given that God is real, it is entirely plausible to believe that He has communicated with us.