Hello Chris, thanks for taking the time to respond.
Anything can be accused of contradiction, my friend.
What matters is the evidence offered up in defense.
If you have to twist your dogma in knots, well, that’s a bad sign.
But if you can simply let the evidence speak for itself, that’s a really good sign.
Let me present “The Life of Christ in Stereo,” by Johnston Cheney.
All he did was take the four Gospels in Greek and combine them into one narrative, simply aligning the details in chronological order. He added no words and took none out.
The result?
A seamless narrative, as if written by one hand. Hundreds of supposed contradictions melt away when all the details are put in order in a single account.
You don’t have to take my word for it.
Read it for yourself here: https://archive.org/details/lifeofchristinst0000john/mode/2up