Hello Garymazeffa, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
"This is not a fact/known. The question is honest. The answer is self serving."
It is indeed known, my friend.
Every measurement we've ever made of our universe is finite. It doesn't have a single infinite property.
If you disagree, simply produce some infinite property of our universe. Bear in mind, it must be truly infinite, not merely big.
You said:
"What is a fact is that there is a mystery. Period."
Of course there is mystery!
But the mystery arise from clarity, not from confusion or ignorance.
We've been studying our universe for a long time. Every property and every facet of it is finite in all of its parts.
It is indeed a finite universe.
A finite universe cannot explain itself. Something has to exist before it in order to explain it.
You said:
"No-one has the answer.
Just a beautiful mystery. Just stand in awe of it. That's all. Have gratitude for your life. And learn how to share.
Nothing more is needed."
I certainly am grateful for my life, and I share with everyone around me. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
But such love does not require us to abandon logic or scientific inquiry!
We can certainly continue to study our universe and draw the logical conclusions from what we find.
And what we find is a finite universe that cannot explain its own existence.
We find a finite universe in need of an infinite Other to exist prior to it, in order to give rise to it.
We have no need to jettison these conclusions to preserve a sense of mystery, my friend. The truth is always worth discovering.