Hello Hunt,
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
The author of Matthew’s Gospel is not anonymous. We have abundant historical and archaeological evidence, all of which points to Jesus’ disciple Matthew being the author. The gospel was never anonymous. The very earliest mentions attribute it straight to Matthew the apostle.
Because Matthew was the author, clearly it was not written in 70 to 100 AD. Matthew wrote far earlier, being an eye witness to the events. Several historians record that Matthew wrote while Peter and Paul were still alive and administering throughout the Roman Empire.
Jesus’ sacrifice is not cannibalism. Nobody ate his actual flesh or drank his actual blood.
Jesus called Himself many things: the vine, the Shepherd, the light. Jesus never meant that he was an actual plant, or an actual Shepherd in a field, herding sheep, or an actual rate of light. Jesus used these metaphors to tell us who He is.