Hello Itz, thanks for responding.
My friend, it’s clear that you have made up your mind, and will not accept evidence to the contrary.
You cannot deal with what Paul wrote in Philippians 2:1–11, so instead you attack Paul.
You cannot handle his argument, so you try to attack him, to suggest that we shouldn’t believe him.
You said:
“Firstly, Philippians is a book written by Paul the man who never ever physically met Jesus.”
Yes, Paul met Jesus. He met Jesus on the road to Damascus, and Jesus taught him extensively for three years.
You said:
“Secondly, kenosis is big important concept why only Paul told it in its letters Why didnt the any of the 12 apostles appointed by the Jesus told this thing ?”
They talked about it all the time.
John 1 discusses it extensively — that Jesus was in the beginning with God, and Jesus was God, and Jesus chose to enter the world He created.
Jesus constantly spoke of coming down from Heaven.
Matthew records Jesus transfigurating before His disciples, showing them His Heavenly glory.
And on and on and on.
You said:
“Sames the situation with ‘original sin ‘ that only Paul told.”
Can you provide me with one verse where Paul talks about original sin?
You said:
“Who is actually Paul ? The one who just claims that he saw Jesus and jesus send him revelations ? Why to send revelations on a person about which jesus never told before even though today Paul is considered the main figure in Christianity ? And Paul was not even included in those 12 apostles of Jesus who are promised to be given throne in Paradise. How can we trust someone that randomly stood up and claimed to be the apostle or he has see God and What he is saying is revelation to him ?”
Paul frequently spoke with the 12 Apostles, confirming that everything he taught is what they taught.
Paul sat under their authority. He didn’t rebel against them, and he didn’t set himself up against them.
Every major point Paul makes in his letters is repeated in the Gospels, or in the other letters by Jesus’ Apostles.
You said:
“Brother , God emptying himself is a big thing and if it really happened the Jesus or his 12 appointed apostles should have told it . Even their are different accounts on the conversation of Paul . How can we build our religious concepts on the claims of a random person”
Paul told his converstion several times, but they aren’t “different” accounts. They all fit together just fine. But sometimes he emphasizes different details, depending on his audience.
My friend, you need to do your own research and stop repeating what others have said.
They are not leading you well.