Hello J Byt, thanks for responding.
My friend, you write a lot to try to call a person's thoughts into question. You accuse abuse and brainwashing, never actually dealing with the arguments or evidence.
But my greatest allies are scientific observation of the universe and simple logic. If you assess the universe in which you live and extrapolate logically, you arrive at the necessary existence of God.
It’s a simple logical journey.
Simply ask: Where did this all come from?
This Earth came from somewhere — a disc of dust surrounding our infant sun. But that dust and that sun came from somewhere — the explosion of energy and matter from the Big Bang. That had to come from somewhere — but where does the beginning come from?
Ultimately, there are only three options.
1) It’s possible the universe is eternal — it’s here because it has always been here.
2) It’s possible that the universe created itself — it’s here because it made itself.
3) Or it’s possible that something eternal created the universe — it’s here because someone wanted it to be here.
But two of these options immediately fall out of possibility. The universe can’t be eternal, because we’ve been studying it for a long time. We know it’s temporal. We know roughly when it began. We know everything in the universe is bound by limits on time, energy, matter, space. There’s nothing about the universe that would lead you to the conclusion that it’s eternal.
Likewise, we can’t conclude the universe created itself, because nothing creates itself. How could you cause yourself to exist before you exist?
The only possibility remaining is that something eternal created this universe.
This eternal creator has to be powerful, so powerful that they can design, create, and sustain everything that exists. That speaks to unimaginable intellect, creativity, capability, purpose, and power.
Use your logic, my friend.
It points you straight to God.