Hello James, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
"There has never been anybody who actually agreed with everything that is written in the BIble; that includes people who profess the doctrine of inerrancy. Honest study of the Bible makes it clear that there are contradictions, historical/scientific errors, and superstitious nonsense in parts of it. It is up to each reader to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff."
I'm one of these people who agree with everything that is written in the Bible.
We don't need to separate the wheat from the chaff, because there isn't any chaff.
It's clear that you think there are contradictions or errors. Let me invite you to present one or two, and let's discuss them. Let's see what's really in the text.
I only ask that you avoid copying and pasting a huge list someone else put together. I'd rather deal with things that you, yourself have found in the text. (Besides, every list has already been responded to; simply search for its debunking).