Hello Life & Healing, thanks for responding.
You said:
"The Gospel Luke did not exist, what existed were oral traditions and the Q document (list of Jesus's sayings), If one takes the traditions seriously, Luke was a partner of Paul, who later wrote the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of Luke."
My friend, the evidence is solidly against such ideas.
Paul does not quote oral traditions, but Scripture. He directly labels Luke "Scripture," as well as the prophecy Jesus gave in Matthew and Mark. "Scripture" refers to something written, not something that's merely an oral tradition.
Likewise, Paul quotes Luke in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy. It's clear that Luke existed, such that Paul could quote it directly.
Irenaeus even records this: "Luke, the companion of Paul, put down in a book the Gospel preached by him."
On the flip side, there is no evidence that Q ever existed.
We have extensive communication between church leaders in the first few centuries, and no one mentions anything like a Q document. There are no manuscripts of it and no evidence it ever existed.