Hello Malcolm, thanks for responding.
You said:
"Proved them false just like you proved Jesus was not a myth?"
History solidly proves Jesus to be a real person.
The Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish Sanhedrin both record the major events of Jesus' life, death, and the claim of resurrection. Neither of these were Christian, and neither had any interest in spreading Christian propaganda. They only recorded what they believed to be true.
And every detail they record corroborates the Gospel's claims.
You said:
"You are not an academic."
I am, my friend.
I completed my Masters of Divinity at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, one of the top seminaries in the nation.
Since then, I've been researching and writing on these topics extensively.
You said:
"I've spent over 25 yrs researching your mythic Jesus."
Great! Have you studied all sides? Which scholars have you studied in depth who argue that Jesus is historical?
You said:
"Read: The Jesus Mysteries- was the "real" Jesus a Pagan God? by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy for some real research. You are out of your depth and sound silly!"
My friend, this is the space I've lived in for the past 20 years. I'm quite comfortable, here.
I'm quite familiar with their arguments. They're empty.
If you feel that one of their arguments in particular is strong, please present it. Let's work through that one argument and analyze all the evidence, for and against.
These are the kinds of conversations I love, my friend.