Hello Muhammad, thanks for responding.
You said:
“I think you can clearly see that Quran is referring to Gospel ( Injeel) not New testaments”
This is a common dodge offered by Muslims, but all you have to do is read the Bible to see that it fails.
The New Testament is the Injeel.
It says so directly. Take Mark 1:1:
“The beginning of the Gospel/Injeel of Jesus Christ.”
The Bible directly states that it is the Injeel of Jesus. Guess what? It said this in Mohammed’s time, as well.
You said:
“kind of common knowledge New testaments consist of text from Jesus disciples and Paul ; their letters and understanding .
The New Testament is the Gospel/Injeel of Jesus, the story of how it took over the ancient world, and multiple letters discussing its truths.
You said:
“Even Luke, Matthew , Mark writers are anonymous . nobody actually know who wrote them ( yes there could be a portion of it which corelates to the actual Injeel).”
This is another one of the lies Muslims try to pass off. But again, it fails.
Every ounce of our historical evidence testifies to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John writing their gospels. Everyone in the first few centuries knew that they wrote them. No one disputes it. No one ever refers to them as anonymous. No one ever questions wrote them.
Every manuscript of the New Testament with intact title pages for the Gospels universally refers to them as the work of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
People love to cite scholars like Bart Ehrman in this topic, but what they failed to realize is that he has no evidence to back up his claim. There are no manuscripts of the gospels with different names attached. There are no manuscripts that lack the authors name, if the title page is intact. There are no people in the ancient world who doubt that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote the gospels.
We even have an unbroken chain of eyewitness testimony proving that they did.
Papias knew the apostle John personally. He was John’s scribe, recording the Gospel of John as John dictated.
He also recorded John’s testimony affirming that Matthew wrote Matthew and Mark wrote the eyewitness testimony of Peter in his Gospel.
Papias wrote at the end of the first century and beginning of the second, during the last few years of the apostle John‘s life.
Most Muslims never hear about him or his testimony, because it goes against their desire for the gospels to be anonymous.
You said:
“Hence Muslims believe/ask to follow Bible which does not contradict with Quran/Hadith because its possible those are actual words of God”
If you believe your Quran, it’s not merely possible. The Quran says that they are the direct words from Allah and can never be changed.
You are correct that the Quran contradicts the Bible.
That’s your problem.
The Quran says that Allah gave the Torah and the Injeel. As you can see above, Mark 1:1 tells you exactly what it is: “the beginning of the Injeel of Jesus Christ.”
The Quran also says that these cannot be corrupted, because they are the words of Allah, and no one can change his words.
Therefore, if you believe critics like Bart Ehrman who say that the New Testament has been corrupted, you are rejecting the clear teaching of the Quran. And that would make you an ex-Muslim.
You said:
“As far as nature of Jesus is concerned , Bible at many places state that Jesus is a Prophet , he never says to worship him and even says that he is send to lost sheep of Israelites - all of his disciples were Jews - Its Paul who opened it for Genital's [sic] - and added concept like Original Sin, Trinity , Salvation through faith in Jesus”
This only proves to me that you’ve never bothered to read the New Testament. You’re just repeating what you’ve been taught.
Jesus Himself teaches on sin, on Himself being God, and I’m being saved by believing in him. Jesus teaches all of this in the parts, clearly identified as the Gospel/Injeel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus didn’t have to wait for Paul to teach these things. Jesus taught them all.
Jesus also taught his disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. Jesus did not limit them to nearly the Jewish people. Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples of all peoples.
Listen to Jesus himself in His own Injeel:
Matthew 28:18-20
[18] And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Do you see it, my friend?
Jesus wield all authority in heaven and on earth. All authority.
Do you know who is the only one who can wield all authority in heaven and on earth? Only God. And Jesus claims to wield that authority.
Do you see that Jesus shares the Name of God? Jesus commands us to baptize in one Name. The singular name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
Does Jesus teach us to obey God, or to obey Jesus? Jesus teaches us to obey Jesus. Why? Because Jesus is God.
Jesus also promises to be with us even to the end of the age. How can Jesus do this? He doesn’t promise that He will be in heaven until the end of the age. He promises that He will be with us to the end of the age, Through the agency of His Spirit. How can Jesus do this? Because Jesus is God.
My friend, Jesus claims to be God constantly in the Gospel/Injeel that the Quran claims Allah gave.