Hello Notch,
Thanks for the questions.
Typically, a "faith healer" is someone who uses their faith to heal someone else.
That's not what I'm doing.
I don't heal people. I'm not doing anything but praying.
I lead people to Jesus. I pray and ask Jesus to do His work. Then He does.
I sit back and watch.
I see Jesus in every session, every day. Like I said earlier, the Jesus who shows up matches perfectly the description in the Gospels.
He heals every person.
Do you know the success rate of things like hypnotism? Around 20-25%, and typically only in those pre-disposed to it.
Whereas I'm seeing 99%-100% success, even among those who don't think anything will happen. I've had people sitting stunned that they heard from God and experienced His healing, because they came in armored in skepticism.
The power of positive thinking doesn't work with people who aren't thinking positively, and who are only thinking negatively, that this won't work.
Yet Jesus isn't hindered by that.
He can show up and heal even the skeptic.
I've taken atheists through this. They aren't atheists anymore! It's really hard to deny God when He's actively healing you.
By this point, I don't expect you to believe this.
It's clear that you only want to see the world in one way. You actively resist anything and everything that would challenge the way that you want to see the world.
That is your right, of course. Everyone can form their own opinion.
But this is all real, my friend.
If you ever do wish to begin exploring it, it's all here, just waiting for you.