Hello Notch, thanks for responding. My friend, read the Scriptures, and study who God reveals Himself to be and who He created humans to be. In the very first chapter in Genesis 1, God grants humanity “dominion,” the ability to rule over this earth and rule over our own lives. Throughout the Scriptures, God continues to affirm this dynamic. Humanity has dominion over this world and our lives. God speaks, giving guidance and commands. We can choose to obey or not obey. We can choose to accept Him or reject Him. But one thing God never does is force Himself on someone who has rejected Him. I’ve witnessed people miraculously healed — dramatically, instantly healed, in a way they never expected. And yet they still reject God. They acknowledge that something happened, something they cannot explain. They feel the evidence of the healing every day. But they don’t want to bow the knee to Jesus as Lord, so they don’t, and God doesn’t force Himself on them. It’s your choice, my friend. I can’t make it for you.