Hello Notch, thanks for responding.
You said:
“Are you opining that the apostle Matthew actually wrote the book of Matthew?”
I’m not “opining.”
I’m appealing to the evidence of history.
The entirety of our historical evidence points conclusively to Matthew the Apostle as the author of the Gospel of Matthew.
There isn’t a shred of historical evidence that ever suggests it was anonymous.
Every bit of historical evidence from the first three centuries points in one direction: that Matthew the Apostle was always known as the author of the Gospel of Matthew.
I compile a lot of that evidence here: https://medium.com/hope-youre-curious/apostle-or-impostor-the-surprising-authorship-of-the-gospel-of-matthew-67c30c5293aa?sk=950def41f2501e60ee2a8b192ea755c9
You said:
“IMO, worshiping Jesus as God is polytheism, since there is only one God, and it’s not Jesus.”
My friend, it seems you misunderstand Jesus’ own claims.
Matthew doesn’t present Jesus as a second God, or an offspring of a God, or anything like that.
Matthew presents Jesus as Yahweh, the God of Israel—the “one God” of Deuteronomy 6:4.
This one God took on flesh in the person of Jesus.
Jesus is, quite literally, “God with us.”
Not a second God, not a minor deity, not an offspring of a God, but the one true God taking on flesh and living among us.
That’s why Jesus can be worshiped, according to Matthew: Jesus is the one true God in flesh, living among us.