Hello Nunya, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You ask some great questions! Let’s dive in.
You said:
“Two questions, why must “someone give that moral law”? The animal world exhibits morals and evolutionarily, it make sense for the, to have arisen without a god required.”
The animal world doesn’t have a moral law. They have more of a moral Smorgasboard.
Some animals kill their mates after mating. Some animals eat their children. And some behave roughly according to what we would consider moral.
Because there is such a wide range of how different animal species behave, it’s no surprised that a few of them here and there act roughly equivalent to how we think a moral person should act.
But because there are a vastly higher number of species who do not behave that way, we can’t really say that they’re operating by any sort of law.
You said:
“Second, even if go along with your assumptions, all this does is assume “a god”. Not the Christian god or Jesus. How does that play into your hypothetical?“
You are correct that the moral law argument only identifies a God.
Yet the very nature of the moral law does exclude a great many conceptions of God.
It rules out any God who is not love. It rules out vast pantheons of gods who bicker and complain and slaughter and cheat on each other, just like the pettiest of human beings. It rules out a distant, uncaring deity. And so on.
You said:
“Does anyone who recognizes a higher power aka all agnostics, go to heaven. Likely you’d say no if they were introduced to Christianity but didn’t convert. Why not then? They still believe in a god that fulfills this slave girl’s criteria.”
God is quite clear in a number of places in the scriptures that he takes us as we are. He doesn’t judge us for things we do not know, or could not know.
In Acts 17:30-31, it says clearly:
“The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
In the past, God overlooked ignorance. How could a just God judge someone for things they didn’t know?
But now, he has testified Jesus to us, by raising him from the dead. Anyone who knows this, and rejects it, dooms themselves.
But anyone who hears it and believes is saved.
The moral law helps you to see that there is a God. This can lead you to question and search.
Then, when you find Jesus—someone who said he was God, died, and resurrected back to life—you might realize this is the God you were looking for.