Hello Sheng-Ta, thanks for replying.
You said:
"Blatant false claims like this make me reluctant to take your words seriously. The fact is not all historians takes that position. Many critical scholars are not convinced that the Gospel of Mark was written by Mark, let alone believing that Mark wrote down what Peter said."
I didn't say "critical scholars."
I said "historians," in the context of talking about all the ancient historians.
And it is completely true: all the ancient historians agree that Mark recorded Peter's words.
You said:
"You might fool your evangelical Christian audience, but you can't fool other people who are familiar with biblical scholarship."
Again, I wasn't talking about modern biblical scholarship. I'm well aware of all the modern arguments against Markan authorship. I've studied them endlessly, along with their rebuttals.
I'm not trying to fool anyone.
I do all my work out in the open. I show you exactly which ancient sources I'm quoting from. I deal as directly as possible with the most ancient evidence available.