Hello Sheng-Ta Tsai, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
Even if every detail corroborates the Gospels, it still would not mean it was written by Jesus' contemporary. You can't leave out the possibility that the author of that Sanhedrin account read the Gospels in the 3rd century, found it silly, and wrote about it from his Jewish perspective.
That's highly unlikely, for this reason: if they corroborated the Gospels claims in the official Sanhedrin records, they validate them.
There was no love lost between the Jewish and Christian communities at this time. The Jewish leaders would not knowingly affirm a Christian story in their official documents, and thereby led any legitimacy to the story, if they didn't believe the events happened.
If they found it silly, they wouldn't record that it happened.
You said:
Not to mention the various discrepancies between Sanhedrin and the Gospels, making it inconclusive among scholars whether Sanhedrin is indeed referring to the Jesus of the four Gospels.
I responded to your other comment, showing that there are no discrepancies.
The original Sanhedrin 43a never says Jesus was stoned. Later scribes added details, seemingly to distance the record from the Gospels.
But the original Sanhedrin 43a, the version found in the earliest documents, never says Jesus was stoned. It says twice He was hung.
You said:
And you just feel you can ignore those issues and declare that every detail corresponds to the Gospels, and conclude that it must came from Jesus' adversary in the first century?
It does come from Jesus' adversaries. The Sanhedrin were those who put Jesus to death. Sending someone to die is nothing short of adversarial.
It is their records we're dealing with.
This is a fairly obvious deduction to make. They had no interest in propagating Christian ideas. They weren't relying on Christians to fill out their histories. Why would they let Christians shape their understanding of the past?
They were consulting their own records.
And as we covered above, all the details in the original Sanhedrin 43a do match the Gospels.