Hello SomeUser, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
"Tsk.. tsk: And yet the authoritative entity on the language itself (Hebrew), the Old Testament itself (your OT, their Torah & Tanakh), the authority on the interpretation of said canon itself, the authority on the culture itself, etc…
ALL disagrees with you on the very nature and interpretation of the prophecies you assert Jesus fulfilled."
My friend, open your eyes.
There are millions of Jews today who follow Jesus as their Messiah, fully accepting that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies in their Tanakh.
The earliest Christians were Jews. Christianity was primarily Jewish, until a few decades later when evangelism began in earnest to the Gentiles.
To be sure, there are Jews today who reject Jesus as Messiah.
But there are also many Jews today who accept Jesus as Messiah.
Given this, we cannot say that "ALL" disagree with me.
Quite a few agree with me:
“Hebrew Christianity” has since become known as “Messianic Judaism.” There are now tens of thousands of Messianic Jews in the United States alone; some estimate as many as 1.2 million. Messianic synagogues are springing up in almost every major city across the U.S., and Messianic Judaism is quickly growing in other nations throughout North and South America, Europe, Oceania, and the former Soviet republics. (https://mjaa.org/messianic-movement/)
You said:
"And what is that preceding and authoritative entity called? Judaism. So why should anyone, believe your later Christian take vs their earlier and originating take? And no.. I’m not Jewish or an adherent of Judaism or converted to Judaism (Atheist instead)."
Christianity is not a replacement of Judaism.
Culturally, it may seem that way. Unfortunately, a lot of strife has emerged between Christianity and Judaism over the ages, which is incredibly sad.
We're brothers. We shouldn't be fighting.
Christianity is Jewish. The Christ is the Jewish Messiah, who fulfilled the Jewish prophecies, who is the focus of the Jewish Scriptures, whose disciples were all Jews. Jesus worked for the majority of His ministry to bring the Jewish people back to faithful service to the God of the Jews.
As a Christian, I worship the God of the Jews, the God who picked Israel as His Chosen People.