Hello Steve, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
"He’ll let millions of children and innocent people die. Then show up in dreams to people who have heard of him. Sounds like a real winner."
My friend, take the whole view of the Bible.
The Jesus we're talking about isn't limited to this world. He died on the Cross to open the door to Heaven, to welcome His children home with Him forever, in never-ending love, peace, and joy.
If an innocent person dies, my friend, where do they go?
Not to hell. Innocent people don't end up in hell.
If a child dies, where do they go?
Not to hell. The Bible doesn't hold people under 20 eternally responsible for their actions (Numbers 14:29).
If a child or an innocent person dies, what do they experience?
They find themselves immediately wrapped in Jesus' arms of love, welcomed into a Home that satisfies them in a way this earth never could. They experience love, joy, and peace never-ending.
That does sound like a "real winner," my friend. Jesus is the Savior. That's what He loves to do -- save.
He saves children and the innocent.
He also wants to save the guilty. That's why He shows up to people in their dreams, and in every other way.