Hello Steve, thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
"Guilt is a thing. When people grow up in an inherently Christian culture and feel negatively about their lack of belief…they experience hallucinations, stressful episodes and dreams of characters like Jesus."
Your question presupposes that these people grew up in a Christian culture and feel negatively about their lack of belief.
Most of them don't.
The first story, Greg's, is the direct opposite of your assumption.
He didn't grow up Christian. He had never opened a Bible before.
He was surprised to find the contents of his dream spelled out in the Bible.
He doesn't refer to guilt at any point.
Rather, it seems that Jesus revealed Himself to Greg in a dream, and gave Greg a way to verify that what he saw was real, instead of normal dreamish ramblings.
You said:
"This doesn’t prove anything about Jesus being real. Do you have evidence for his existence?"
My friend, there is an abundance of evidence proving Jesus to be God.
The most central way is the Resurrection. If Jesus truly rose from the dead, it validates a great many of His claims.
I lay out the evidence for the historicity of the Resurrection in this article. I don't use Christian historians, but rather secular -- those who do not believe in Jesus, but have studied history. Based on their claims, we can make an incredibly solid case for the Resurrection: