Hello Tony,
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
You said:
God made a body (not a being yet) God then breathed the breath of life (which then made the being) So without the breath it would just be a body. They did not die and the spirit didn't die.
A body without breath is dead.
The breath is the same word for spirit: ruach.
Death is the separation of body and spirit. The spirit continues on in the afterlife. The body decays back into the dust it was made from.
From the moment they ate, they became mortal. Their bodies began decaying. They eventually died, their bodies decomposing into dust, their spirits entering the afterlife.
Eating the fruit killed them. Once they ate, their physical death was guaranteed.
You said:
Nowhere does does Satan say God is keeping good from them. You just pulled this out of where?
It's intrinsic to Satan's temptation.
If you eat -- IF -- then you will be like God.
The implication is that God is withholding this from them. He could have made them like Him, but didn't, and instead told them to stay away from this tree to keep it from them.
Of course, Satan was lying. God made them in His image. They already were like God.
But Satan convinced them they weren't like God, but they could become like God by rebelling against His commands.
You said:
I always wonder why people want to twist the actually text.
I don't think many people want to twist the text. But many people do, because they import ideas from outside, instead of letting the text speak for itself.